December 2018 Numerology Report

We are in a 12 month in an 2018/11/2 world year energy. The 12/3 month and 11 year has both 1 and 2 making it a dynamic 1 energy, plus the 2 sensitive and giving, to make the playful 3 energy for December.  As we move swiftly through this month ( I always feel it goes fast) it can be good for those in personal energy as the number 1 is all about you and can be powerful combined with the 2 which is softer. This can be great for social gatherings with friends and loved ones. The 2 vibration is also good for giving to others, charities and the needy. Remember to give to yourself in this busy time. If you are alone at Christmas it can be beneficial to help by volunteering at a shelter or retirement home and connect with others that may not get visitors.

The 1+2=3 and the 3 energy is fun, social and lively. This month expect invitations and social events. The 3 energy also involves travel and take care while on the roads.

Christmas is not always a great time for some and I understand when some of us don’t look forward to it. Be kind to yourself and don’t feel obliged to stay in a situation you aren’t comfortable with. Make choices that are good for you.

Mercury is still retrograde till the 6th December and it goes forward again. It is also the new moon on the 7th in Sagittarius and Jupiter, sag’s ruling planet is about expansion, depending on your optimism as to how big this expansion will be. Let go and rebirth in the new moon as we see out the last few weeks of 2018.

“Numerology for Beginners” workshop is nearing completion so I will start telling you all about this in the next email. This is a fascinating subject and one that you learn a lot about yourself and your life purpose.

This month’s number 12 is equivalent in the Tarot is the Hangman and the Gold Lotus card for 12 is Celebration

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