July 2019 Numerology

This month’s numerology is 7. Seven is the most spiritual of all the numbers to me. It is a retrospective month, one of looking at all aspects of our lives and making changes as we move further into the year of UY3 year of expansion.

7 is the number that you go behind the scenes or uncover information that you didn’t previously know. In a 7 month we can feel as if we have been hidden or a veil is lifted and you can see clearly.  Investigation, research, discovery are just some of the 7 words that describe its vibration.

Science will be in the forefront as well new discoveries of our amazing planet and solar system. You might feel like hibernating in this energy, especially in the southern hemisphere as we are in winter and it has been a little cooler this year.

You may be drawn to spiritual subjects or start a course on meditation or the like as it is a perfect month for this. Click here to complete a 35 minute healing meditation.

The new moon and eclipse in cancer could be emotional for some. The new moon will rise tomorrow, July 3. The eclipse in cancer evokes mother issues and feelings of intimacy in relationships or not feeling reciprocated in caring for others. This is the start of 3 eclipses in new and full moon succession. It is a chance to clear out old feelings and accelerated growth.