Oracle Card Reading for August

Oracle Card Reading for August

Welcome to My Oracle Card Reading for August

August is a power month being an 8 in numerology. It can be a month of big change for some. You may be focused on larger purchases, loans, banks, finances and budgets. 

Past lives 

You may have been going through a release of past issues, some that we bring in from past lives and others that recycle in the present. If you have a recurring issue being played out it’s definitely time to consciously work through this and let it go for good. 

Third eye chakra 

The third eye chakra is located between the physical eyes and it is the connection with clairvoyance. It is one of your guidance systems in the body. If you are feeling that you’re not happy in your current direction use the guidance from the third eye through meditation, journaling or relaxation and ask the burning questions about what you want in life and where you want to go. Quiet the mind, take a few breaths and ask in that moment “What am I needing now?


Are you feeling trapped? The spiderweb traps its prey. Is there something in your life that is restricting you? It can be a time of asking some questions of the people around you. Are you feeling like you are being taken advantage of? Ask questions about the work you do and if you are fulfilled.

Moon Cycles For August

The new moon in Leo on the 4th of August will have you revising your goals, slowing down, revisiting old projects, and making plans for the months ahead as we enter the mercury retrograde season. Check all communications a few times over to make sure you are on track. Leo season is a wonderful time for a new hairstyle or a makeover. This aligns with the reading above as we let go of old cycles and step into our truth. 

Full moon on the 19th of August in Aquarius. We will experience the Moon on a deeper and more spiritual level. This is prime time for all of us to manifest our dreams and ignite our desires. The Full Moon in Aquarius is expansive and lucky. You may find yourself being introspective and being appreciative of all you have. A great month to express gratitude.

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