Oracle Card Reading for November

Oracle Card Reading for November

Oracle Card Reading for November: Embrace the Intense Energy

As November unfolds, a powerful energy makes its presence known, calling for resilience, intuition, and inner peace. This month’s guidance comes from the Moon Goddess, Glow, and Blue Angel, each offering a reminder to move through this time with awareness, patience, and self-compassion.

Moon Goddess: Managing Intense Energy

The energy of the Moon Goddess this month is profound and can feel intense. You may find yourself under pressure or feeling like you’re constantly running out of time. To make things flow more smoothly, take a few moments each night to plan and organise the day ahead. Despite all our efforts, there will be moments beyond our control; in those moments, exercise patience and take your time before reacting.

The Moon Goddess card also speaks to the timing of events. Issues that have been simmering beneath the surface may rise to prominence around the full moon, bringing attention to matters that need to be addressed. Embrace this energy as an opportunity to gain clarity on the path forward.

Glow: Trusting Intuition and Taking Bold Steps

Glow encourages you to tap into your intuition and trust the choices that feel right, even if they push you outside your comfort zone. This card is about moving forward with confidence and knowing that you’re aligned with your purpose. You may feel some resistance, especially if you’re facing trust-related challenges in relationships or life decisions. The key is to tune into your gut feelings rather than overthinking.

For those moments when anxiety or doubt arises, remember that grounding through breathwork can be immensely helpful. Try this simple exercise to bring yourself back to a state of calm:

  1. Close Your Eyes and Focus on Your Breath. Draw in a deep breath, all the way into your diaphragm and down your spine.
  2. Release the Past. On your first breath out, think about what you were doing before this moment and fully release it.
  3. Release Future Worries. On your next breath, let go of any thoughts about what’s coming next.
  4. Be in the Present. With your third breath, focus on the here and now, bringing yourself into full presence.

For more on this technique, you can explore it further here.

Blue Angel: Comfort from the Other Side

November may also bring reflections on loved ones who have passed, or it may be a time when someone close to you is nearing the end of their journey. The Blue Angel card offers comfort, symbolising the presence of a bridge between worlds. She assures you that your loved ones are safe, free from pain, and at peace. Even if someone passed on from illness, the Blue Angel reminds you that they are now restored in spirit.

Allow this month to be a time of remembrance and peace. Trust in the process, and know that you and your loved ones are supported, loved, and held in the embrace of divine energy.

Moving Through November

With these messages as your guide, lean into the month with faith and compassion. The themes of self-care, trust, and connection are present, helping you embrace November’s intensity with a grounded spirit. Be kind to yourself, step confidently into your choices, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

If you’d like to book a healing or reading with me, please click here.
