1.5 Hour Psychic Reading + Healing


Need some clarity? Book an in-person psychic reading with Michelle Mann.

In this hour, Michelle will give you a psychic reading and include what you may be needing to look at in the next 6-12 months to achieve your goals. You’ll also get an accompanying 1/2 hour healing.


Need some clarity? Book a 1 hour psychic reading with Michelle Mann, PLUS get a 1/2 hour healing. A reading & healing together will help on the physical, emotional body and includes chakra clearing.

During the reading, Michelle will give you a psychic reading and include what you may be needing to look at in the next 6-12 months to achieve your goals. She’ll provide tips on how to work through any blocks you may be facing and give you tools to move forward to allow your dreams to unfold.

You will also get a personalised essential oil included in this session.

**Following payment, Michelle will get in touch to organise a time that best suits you.

About Michelle: 

Michelle Mann is author and creator of the Gold Lotus Oracle deck and has 27 years of experience as a professional psychic reader and teacher. She currently offers readings and healings both online, and in person.

Michelle’s readings are clear and pinpoint where you are now and what possibilities are coming for you. She’ll cover what you need at this time to help you to the make clear decisions and move forward. In her 20+ years’ experience, Michelle has helped many people to move through hard decisions and empowered them to follow their dreams.


Additional information


In person, Online via Zoom


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