October is a 10/1 vibration and you may feel a new burst of energy and a motivation to get things done. It is new energy with the added energy of the zero which amplifies this 1 so there may be doors opening and opportunities that lead to new pathways. This time of year also opens a window into what you may be doing next year, it stays for only a few weeks and then closes. I know a few of you did a big clean out and it may continue into October.
Angel of peace– finding peace within a busy life or possibly events that cause stress. Carve out time to be alone and meditate, read something uplifting, use your Gold Lotus Oracle cards and reflect on how you feel and ask: what am I needing right now?
Spirit Deer – this beautiful deer is with you to remind you that you have the courage to overcome any obstacle. Never doubt how strong you are and what you can achieve. Look for solutions and get advice or maybe phone a friend if needed to make decisions. Try to look at all views if you can to find the best way to deal with each issue. you’ve got this.
Pink Lotus – spiritual growth can be something that we choose to look at on purpose and other times it is through life lessons that we evolve. Either way the learning never ends and life has it way of weaving in and out of times when it appears to happen to us whether we’re ready or not. Slow things down and take time for yourself. Be kind to yourself and others especially if you are going through something big and allow space for healing or better still book a healing session.
At the end of August, I had a couple of days in Melbourne and I overdid it on the first day but I really enjoyed the street art tour with one of the artists at Blender Studios. Even though it was raining and cold it was fabulous. I popped into the Spellbox, this is an enchanting little store in the arcade. There is always something interesting in there and it was a full moon on that day. I love visiting Melbourne, there is so much happening there, especially in the art and culture movement.