The Magical Number Nine this Month

In Numerology: This month vibrates to the number 9.

The nine contains the energy of all the other numbers and is referred to as the height of mental and spiritual attainment.

Nine energies in life include:
– nine months to have a baby
– nine muses in mythology
– nine elected knights in freemasonry (they also include nine roses, nine lights and nine knocks in their ritual).

Nine in Feng shui is the number of perfection.

Nine in the Tarot is The Moon- reflection of self, The Hermit –introspection, and minor 9’s.

The nine vibration is about endings or a good time to complete things that are long overdue. If there are issues or situations needing finishing loose ends that need tying, take the time to address these. This is also a good time to reassess your progress as the last few months of the year are almost here.

Other energies with the 9 are:
Drama, fortune, artistic, perfection and spiritual.

This energy on a global level is about protecting mankind and working towards the betterment of the Earth. The nine is emotional, intense and transformative.
So…It will be interesting to see how North Korea and USA plays out over this month.

This nine month is also good for art and education which for me leads me to the Gold Lotus exhibition opening at Cooroy’s Butter Factory Arts Centre.

Being spring here in the Southern Hemisphere there we are coming out of hibernation and seeing the flowers coming into bloom.

Self-Care. This can be a busy time for some of us and things can get hectic so give yourself break times and remember to hydrate as the temps rise.

Coming Up ….

The Gold Lotus exhibition starts on the 22 September and the opening is the 23rd, so if you are local don’t forget to book in and I’d love you all to be there for this magical occasion. This is the first time all 47 images will be together. The workshops are filling so get in and book your spot via the Workshops Menu above.


Sunday 1st Thursday 12th October
Colourful Portraits

Thursday 12th and Sunday 15th
Mixed Media Backgrounds


If we have never met but you would like to meet me (anybody? ha ha) there is a Meet the artist event at the exhibition on 27 September.

A special addition to the opening launch:

Jo from Earth Jewel Creations will be bringing her Gold Lotus inspired jewellery. There will be some beautiful pieces with Jo’s lovely crystals and of course beautiful Lotus creations. These will become available through my website with a link so you can check it out. Stay tuned for more on that…

If you have been wanting to buy your Gold Lotus deck or a gift for a friend, I am running a special buy for online buyers –


If you can’t wait buy now here

If you are interested in catching up:

I will be at the Conscious Life Expo at the Lake Kawana Community Centre 28 & 29 October

I will also be holding Library Talks soon in the Sunshine Coast area.

Remember to Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to keep up to date with where I am if you like.

Remember to get in touch by adding a comment below.


Yours in Art & Spirit

