My Gold Lotus Exhibition at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre brings with it an opportunity for community arts outreach so I grabbed that with both hands and I will be teaching two workshop series. Book one or both but be quick because numbers are seriously limited (I know people say that but these sell out really fast so if you are keen please book or ask your questions and get in asap).
Details for the 2 workshop types below – click through to the website now to check them out. I will email your confirmation and a small list of requirements to have ready on the day – please print and bring your confirmation with you – buddy up and book with a friend perhaps.
Introduction to whimsical colourful portraits
4 hrs face to face with me! $80
This is a fun workshop to give you skills to create a basic face and use a rainbow of colour to enhance a whimsical look.
You will learn:
– Basic face structure – create your own whimsical style of face from the basics
– How to use colour to create shade and interest
– Creating a story behind the face
You do not need experience to participate in this class but some drawing skill would be great plus a sense of fun and playfulness is perfect.
Workshop for Mixed Media Backgrounds
4 Hrs face to face with me!
$85 includes an Ephemera Kit*
This workshop is a fun ½ day using all sorts of media to build up layers to create a textured interesting background. This workshop can be done in conjunction with the portraits workshop or alone. It gives you a great range of ideas to then use in any mixed media works.
You will learn:
How to prep your substrate
Use a multitude of media including papers- Japanese, hand made, brown or coloured paper, maps, foreign newspapers, rice paper
Music scores, Dictionary and Thesaurus paper, old novels, paper stickers, modelling paste.
Printed Tissue and/or Serviettes, anything you think might be interesting to add.
*What is an Ephemera Kit?
An Ephemera Kit is a grab bag of found and bought small items that I will give you on the day to include in your mixed media creation. Ephemera Kits are sold and traded among artists – I am giving you one for free! to get you started and/or add colour and texture to your mixed media experience.