February 2019 Numerology + Throat Chakra

Hi everyone and welcome to the Year of the Pig!

The February numerology month is a 2 vibration. This 2 in a 3 year could be emotional for some as the 2 is sensitive, emotional, and with the 3 energy could be a little like a rollercoaster for some. Expression is the number 3, so expression of emotions for this month.

The Throat Chakra has come up twice in the card’s for the collective if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram. The throat chakra is our communication centre and expression of emotions. If you are needing to get things out on the table- use visualisation to project what and how you want the communication to go. Close your eyes and see the energy of the issue in colour if you can. See the energies being receptive to what you are expressing and then using love to see the outcome that is best for all concerned. I find it interesting that Valentine’s Day is the February 14 and that is around relationships.

You might have things going on where you are working with another on a project or business as it encompasses partnerships or working together on something that has meaning for you. Around full moon emotions may be heightened this month.

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