Insights in Numerology for June


Hi everyone,

Welcome to Gold Lotus… if you are new to my blog this is where I always share what’s happening my world and provide insights which may help with what’s going on in yours!


Where have I Been This Month?

I have been out and about getting the Gold Lotus Oracle Deck into shops in my local area. So I am proud to say my new stockists are


Kedron Local Post Office and News Kedron in Brisbane Shop 6 359 Gympie Road Kedron Ph 07 3359 1048


Coastal Wellbeing 32 Wises Road Maroochydore Ph 07 5479 0746

Forestry Hair, Shop 5, 5 Woodlands Boulevard Meridan Plains Ph 07 5437 6377

Cadman Cottage in Montville 186 Main Street Montville Ph 5442 9188

VIP Framing 2 Lowe Street Nambour Ph 07 5441 3722

Aladdins Eclectic Treasures 95 Currie Street Nambour Ph 0475 757 476



The Artist Tree Gallery 97 Main Western Road Mount Tamborine Ph 0435 731 009

Namaste Shop 7, 120 Gallery Walk Eagle Heights 4271 Ph 0422 361 040

Thank you to all my stockists for your support. As the stockists list grows they will each be added to my website. If there is a favourite shop near you that you would like to see the deck and art prints, make a suggestion in the comments below or tell them to contact me via my:

Wholesale Application Page

What am I Painting in The Studio This Month?

Base Chakra by Michelle Mann copyright Michelle Mann 2017 all rights reserved
I’m working on the chakra images for my exhibition in October at Cooroy’s Butter Factory Gallery; they are so pretty as I paint them.

Funnily enough I have had some issues come up while painting the Base Chakra (I tell you peeps that art is therapy and this is why! It happens to me too).

The Base Chakra is the energy center at the base of our spine and is to do with our survival, security, basic needs like shelter, food, water, money, culture and belonging. When any of these become an issue it is usually fear that we will not have enough or that you are not good enough.

As I was painting the Base Chakra image I manifested strong feelings that made me realise that recently I have had an issue around money.

When I thought about it more as I was painting I found that I need to speak up more about my worthiness to receive abundance for the energy I’m putting out.

I am usually shy about speaking up when it comes to asking for money or when I set a price on an artwork and believing I’m worth it.

Do you resonate with this? I have been working with this as I paint my beautiful chakra canvases and as I get to the Heart Chakra I feel a sense of peace wash over me as I immerse myself in the green of the colour of the heart and realize I am so worth it and guess what?



So let me ask you:

Have you had anything like this come up for you lately? I’d love to know your thoughts on this, please comment below.

Sharing with you now my affirmation for the

Base Chakra: “I am grounded and connected in my Base Chakra”.

This affirmation assists me, and should assist you, to become grounded, and the heart chakra opens your heart to self love, both of which work together to help you assert your self worth.

Some Insights from Me For June Using Numerology

Okay so Phew! May was HEC….TIC. I don’t know about you but the fast paced energy in a “5” month was busy for me.

I had many good opportunities and grabbed them where I could – in a hectic 5 month you may find that if you are too slow opportunities would have passed you by. Did You Feel This? Comment Below.

We are in June already and being a “6” month we will feel the energy pulling us towards being responsible; our attention is needed in connection to home and family. You may also have extended family and friends needing your help or input. The “6” is around beauty of self and home.

This year the earth is in a 2017 2+1+7=10/1 year vibration which has its ups and downs.

The 1 male energy is powerful, independent,strong willed and competitive. Making this month interesting on the home front.

What am I Doing Next?

Gold Lotus Colouring Books!!!!

being designed as we speak. Yippeee! They look fantastic. They are very cathartic and so good for stress relief as well as being pretty when you colour them in. I will keep you up to date on the release date.


Live in Southeast Qld – Access Local Pickup!

If you haven’t purchased your Gold Lotus Oracle deck and you live locally (southeast Queensland Australia) you can do a local pick up – just select Local Pickup in the shopping cart & I will email you the pickup location – I am in Woombye on the Sunshine Coast.

For those further afield rest assured – We do ship within Australia and Overseas and we have an online shipping calculator.

A reminder about Personalised Oracle Readings
Together with a very exclusive team of spiritual and astrological readers, I offer oracle readings. Why not find out your destiny or receive guidance through a personalised oracle reading?

Gain access to a skilled network of intuitive practitioners who are already helping women worldwide.

I not only offer readings but I have personally experienced the individual guidance of every reader in our team. So each reader comes personally recommended and each reading is delivered via email in detailed format. Ask One detailed question for $35 and Two detailed questions for $55. Pay securely online and receive your answer within 48 hours maximum.


Remember to get in touch below – I always love to know if my experiences are shared by others.

Yours in Art & Spirit

