Intentional vs. Intuitive Art

Do you sometimes feel like you’re not a creative person?

When talking with a friend about something I was doing in my art practice she said “I’m not creative, I cant do that.” I corrected her, and let her know that she is creative and that we all are as humans. Creativity isn’t restricted to one subject or medium. You can be creative about money or food, or the way you dress. About shape, colour or design. But when it comes to being creative in art it can be daunting for some.

I find that when I go to start something new in my art practice I go through a warm up stage depending on what I’m doing especially if it’s intentional art. I start off with simple drawing and put ideas down. They are just that, simple. I then play with the ideas and see if I’m inspired to go in a certain direction with the idea.

I find that when I do intuitive art it is a very different process. I start with layers, with my first one maybe in ink, or glue down some paper, or scribble with a Stabilo pencil. Then I chose another layer with little thought as to where it’s going. As I build up the layers I start to see things or shapes mostly, and then I see if I want to built on that shape or idea. This process leads me to many emotions as I go through the stages. I can be detached at the beginning and then become frustrated with where it is as it goes on. I start to change my mind about it and then I intentionally go another way with it and start loving it. I can also then revert back to not liking where the piece is going and the need to re-evaluate and move forward again. This process is also in our lives as we navigate our way through.

A great way to explore different art forms is at one of my Cosmic Colours Workshops- click here to check out upcoming in-person workshops, or complete the course online here.
